Foodbank Fortnight

The holidays bring people together: jolly carols, fairy lights, mighty Christmas trees and... big holiday dinners! How do you feel about helping families from your community enjoy a big holiday meal by collecting food for them?

The Foodbank Fortnight is a two-week long drive to collect as many donations for the Colchester Foodbank as possible. All members of our University - students and staff - will have the opportunity to drop off items at collection points in the campus stores and at the SU Reception. Why not share some joy by making a donation? 

Running from Saturday the 4th of December until Friday the 17th of December, there are numerous ways in which you can help - no matter how small, every donation will make someone's winter holiday a little happier!

You can volunteer whenever is suitable for you by simply going around campus, visiting friends and asking them for donations, then bringing those donations to the SU Reception.

Alternatively, you will have the possibility to visit the Colchester Foodbank at Tollgate to help prepare individual food parcels for families who use the foodbank. The sessions run from 2pm to 3.15pm on the dates mentioned below. All transport fees are covered by VTeam :)

Come join us make everyone's festive season a little jollier and spread the spirit!

When: From Sat 4th Dec to Fri 17th Dec
Transport provided: Yes
Event on Colchester Campus: Yes
Hours of commitment required: Minimum 2 Hours
Deadline to sign up: 17/12/2021

Availability: No valid instances are available.