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Student & graduate registration

Registration information is used to establish your account and eProfile. Registration is a simple 3 step process: about me, my studies and my account.

On completion of the registration process you will be sent an email with a link to activate your account. You should develop your eProfile further once your account is activated.

If you believe you already have an account but have not activated it you can request a new activation email through our account recovery process.

Your university or college might have created an account on your behalf. Use the FIND ACCOUNT option to find out.

Warning: If you create an account you will not see any documents on your account including the higher education achievement report.

My studies

Enter the details of your current or most recent higher education programme.

Once you have registered you will be able to add additional programmes and previous qualifications you have achieved.

This information is used to:

  • Personalise communications from employers
  • Enable the service to send you text messages about opportunities
  • Identify you in account management activities
  • Help employers ensure that their recruitment practices do not breach age and gender discrimination legislation
  • Assist you when completing online application forms
Date of birth

Enter a username and password for your account and provide a valid email address for correspondence.

If you do forget your username or password, please do not try to create a new account; You can recover your account via the account recovery process.

You will receive an account activation email within minutes of completing the registration process. Open this e-mail and follow the instructions to access your account. If you do not receive the e-mail, you should check your email spam settings and junk folders. If you still have not received you activation link then your browser setting may need adjustment or your internet service provider may for some reasons be blocking the message getting through.

No password

Your password must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least 1 lowercase letter, uppercase letter and number.

Your security answer must be between 4 and 30 characters long.

Please confirm that you consent to be contacted by us with relevant information from trusted service partners (optional)

By checking the box you confirm that you understand that the service is delivered by Tribal Education Limited in the UK. You also agree to Tribal Education Limited's terms of service and privacy policy.