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Privacy policy

This Privacy Policy explains in detail the types of personal data we may collect about you when you use Gradintelligence services. It also explains how you can exercise your rights in relation to your personal data, how we’ll store and process that data and how we keep it secure. Additional information explains how automated profiling takes place on Gradintelligence and information about the circumstances in which data may be transferred internationally.

We have tried to explain this clearly, but please get in touch with us if you would like any further clarification or have any questions.

It is likely that we will need to update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you by email and when you use the service of any significant changes. Some of our services rely on user consent. If you have provided your consent to process your data then you also have a right to withdraw that consent. Where we rely on your consent we will record the form of consent and when you consented.

Gradintelligence is an online service developed and owned by Olivedon Ltd. The service is delivered in partnership with others including:

Institution partners

Who use our service to provide their students and graduates with online access to their official records of achievements and a range of employability and student support services.

Tribal Education Ltd.

Who deliver the Gradintelligence service to our Institution partners and process Institution data.


Who have opportunities for work experience, work and further study that are of interest to our student and graduate users.


Who provide a number of opportunities for students and graduates users.

Sova Assessments Ltd.

Who provide the suite of online psychometric assessments available to student and graduate users.


Who manage the hosted service platform.


Who provide the service to determine your approximate location.
This site or product includes IP2Location LITE data available from

Marketing partners

Who, if we have your consent, may contact you to promote products and services that are of interest to you.

You have the right to see what personal information we hold about you and ask for this data to be rectified, restricted from further processing, erased or provided to you in a portable format.

To exercise your rights in relation to any of the personal data we process, please use our online Data Requests Service. Alternatively, or if you wish to object to the way we process your personal data, contact the Data Protection Officer.


Telephone: +44113 328 1128

Write: The Data Protection Officer, Gradintelligence, The Catalyst, Baird Lane, Heslington, York, YO10 5GA United Kingdom

If you remain unhappy about the way in which your personal information has been processed by us you have the right to complain directly to the Information Commissioner. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at

Gradintelligence processes the following classes of personal data. Click on a data class to understand what the data is, who can access the personal data, how we process it, the legal basis for processing and how long we retain it.

Student users

Institution users

Organisation users

Recipient users

Our use of cookies and aggregated data

In addition to the personal data we hold about you, we also use cookie technology for security reasons, to personalise your experience of our services and to analyse service use to inform development.

We also use and share aggregated data with our organisation and institution clients, stakeholders, prospective clients and our site auditors for analysis, service improvement and marketing purposes. Aggregated data is anonymous, which means it does not and cannot be used to identify you personally.

Our use of cookies and aggregated data is in our legitimate interests. They are used in a way which you might reasonably expect as part of the running of our service and do not materially impact your rights, freedom or interests.

Our use of cookies means that your use of our services is not anonymous to us. You can tell your browser whether or not to accept our cookies. However, if you do not accept them, some of our services may not be available to you or work as well as they could.

Most web browsers accept cookies automatically, but you can change the settings of your browser to reject all cookies, to only allow trusted websites to use them, or to only accept cookies from those websites which you are currently on. Please follow the guide provided on on how to do this for the most popular web browsers.

Gradintelligence cookies

Session ID cookie {random alphanumeric name}

In order to determine whether you are logged in at any given time, we use a cookie. This cookie does not contain your username and password - it just contains a session id (or reference number), which we can look up to find out who you are and whether you are logged in. This cookie expires when a user pauses on a page on our site for longer than 30 minutes. Period: 30 minutes or when browser closed.


If you have a user account, this cookie is set so that you remain logged-in during each page visit. This is set to 'logged_in' if the user is currently logged-in. Period: Current session.

Language cookie {random alphanumeric name}

Stores the selected language setting, for example 'en-GB' Period: 1 year.


This cookie helps us to recognise your device in order to improve your experience and detect suspicious activities on your account. Period: 6 years.


This is used by our site to simplify use of advanced navigation features. Period: 1 day.

WAF (web application firewall) cookies

We also use cookies for the functionality of the WAF to prevent attacks. These cookies are strictly necessary.

Cookies with prefixes x-bni- and _utm_

Strictly necessary cookies for WAF to prevent attacks like DDOS, and BOTS protection.
Examples: x-bni-ci, x-bni-ca, x-bni-ja, x-bni-fpc, x-bni-rncf, _utm_is_did, _utm_is_wdc
Period: end of user session.

Google Analytics 4 cookies

We also use Google Analytics cookies on the site. In summary they track visitor information for each visit and for returning visits. You can “opt out” of Google Analytics cookies by installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on ( to block Google Analytics on all websites, or you can configure your browser to block cookies.


Used by Google Analytics to distinguish users Period: 2 years.


Used by Google Analytics to persist session state. Period: 2 years.

Google reCaptcha cookies

Google's reCaptcha cookies are used when users click a button that says “I’m not a robot” and Google can determine whether to prompt the user with additional questions (i.e. select pictures that best describe X) to verify if that person is in fact not a robot. You can read Google's privacy policy and terms for more information. ReCaptcha collects the following data:

  • All cookies placed by Google in the last 6 months
  • CSS information
  • The language/data
  • Installed plug-ins
  • All Javascript objects
Period: 6 months

Cookie consent cookies

There are two cookies that we use to record each visitor's acceptance of our use of cookies on this website. This process ensures that we are in accordance with regulations concerning the use of cookies.


This cookie records your consent for us to use analytics cookies, which are detailed above. Period: 1 day.


This cookie records your consent for us to use any other necessary cookies, which are detailed above. Period: 1 day.

Useful links

If you would like to find out more about cookies and their use on the Internet, you may find the following links useful:

If you would like to contact us about cookies please email us at

Automated decision making

Automated decision making is used to connect student users with matched opportunities when organisations wish to limit the volume of student users to be matched with their opportunities.

A match score is calculated to determine which students and graduates will receive communications about the opportunity. The match score combines;

  • How attractive the opportunity is likely to be to the student user, based on organisation and opportunity characteristics and student user service preferences and service use data
  • How strongly the student data matches the requirements of the opportunity using eCV data and psychometric assessments data

The ultimate decision about suitability for opportunities is controlled by humans, specifically our organisation users.

International data transfers to third countries

Gradintelligence data is stored in secure data centres.

We do not transfer your personal data to others outside of the EEA unless you consent to it.

If you do use the Gradintelligence service to share your personal data with third parties, for example:

  • If you share your electronic transcript or Higher Education Achievement Report with an embassy, employer or university to verify your credentials
  • If you apply for a matched opportunity by submitting an online application
  • If you share your credentials with LinkedIn to update your certifications

We will ask you, when you initiate the transfer of data, to confirm that you understand;

  • What personal data we are sharing on your behalf
  • That the third party you are sharing your data with may be located overseas
  • That you understand that we are not in control of how your data may be subsequently processed by that third party
  • Our relationship, if any, with the third party

We will keep records of the consent you give us to transfer your personal data and you will have the opportunity to withdraw your consent prior to third party access.

Data Security

We take protecting your personal information very seriously and employ all reasonable endeavours, including anti virus protection, secure database servers and firewall technology, to protect your data.

We require our clients and business partners, who have your authority to access your data, to operate similar approaches to data security.

You recognize, however, that the Web is not an entirely secure medium and we do not warrant that our efforts to protect your data from unauthorised access will always be successful.